Is this the best you can do?

Is this the best you can do?

It’s a fair question. Especially given the day and age we’re living in. Especially given all the amazing tools you have at your fingertips. Especially given the great people who surround you.

But wait.

Before I say more I need to offer this disclaimer. When you read that question, whose voice did you hear in your head? Chances are what you heard is not what I intended.

It’s easy to read a question like that and hear “that” tone. You know the tone I’m talking about. That condemning, patronizing, judgmental tone. The tone that implies you could be or you should be doing so much more than you are…you should be doing so much better than you are.

It’s like that tricky word “potential.” Most of the time, it’s meant in the most positive of ways. “You have so much inside that you could be giving!” But often it’s received in just the opposite way, “I’ve fallen short of what’s expected.”

It’s this question, asked in that tone that practically paralyzes us and keeps us from doing anything at all. We wilt under the pressure of doing more, of doing better, of being more. That realization is a weight that’s so hard to bear that we give up. We concede defeat. We take the blue pill  so we no longer see what could be and we become dully content with what is. The pill we take blinds us to potential, it blinds us to what can be.

We take the pill and we slowly fall short of our best. So slowly in fact that we don’t even realize it.

But I’m not asking that question to condemn or to judge or shame. I’m asking that question to put the choice of the red pill in front of you. The other pill that will allow you to see the stuff you’re not seeing right now. I’m asking the question as a friend. I’m asking because I care and because the time has come for you to step up. We need you.

Is this the best you can do?

Are you doing the things you were born to do? Is your life bearing the fruit it was intended to bear?

If not, why not?

Today is the day you make the decision to do your best. Today is the day you stop blaming other people for the lack of success you’ve had up until now. It’s the day you stop blaming the lack of money, or lack of opportunity, or lack of a college degree or…anything else.

It’s the day you stop blaming and start doing.

Do you dream of becoming a writer? Write!

Do you dream of becoming a teacher? Teach!

Do you dream of becoming a missionary? Start doing those things today that missionaries do!

Stop waiting for the stars to align. Stop waiting for permission.

Stop waiting.

It’s time for you to do the very best you can do.

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