You feed them


Buried in the story about Jesus feeding the five thousand people (in the book of Matthew in the Bible) is an interesting little verse I never really saw until a few days ago. Jesus had been teaching and healing the sick all day and as the sun began to set, the disciples became worried that they had no food to feed the crowd. They wanted Jesus to dismiss them so they could go to the villages nearby to get something to eat.

Jesus simply said, "That isn't necessary–you feed them."

Have you ever experienced that?

Just about the time you dump a request in the lap of Jesus expecting Him to solve the problem, He turns it back around and simply says, "You feed them!" As much as we would like to think Jesus will solve our problems or get us out of sticky situations, He turns it right back on us. What are we prepared to do? Do we have the boldness and courage and faith to actually pursue the solution?

I'm sure the solution Jesus came up with for feeding the people didn't even occur to the disciples. I'm no Bible scholar but I can just about guarantee that none of the disciples thought of that particular way to get the crowd their dinner.

But you know what? I don't think the method even mattered!

I'll bet Jesus was prepared to bless whatever solution they came up with! I think he was just waiting on their creativity, their boldness and their faith to kick in. He would've been thrilled to rush in with His supernatural power to make their solution happen.

Did you get that? The method doesn't matter. What matters is your willingness to step out.

We say it so much but it bears repeating. Jesus is looking for the first step from us. Often, that's all it takes.

Do you have the creativity, the boldness and the faith to take that first step? Remember, the direction of the step doesn't matter nearly as much as the faith it takes to take the step.

You feed them! 

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