The promise of more…

You never know when the inspiration will strike. You don’t know the times when you are listening or looking or smelling or tasting when all of a sudden like a lightning bolt, you see or sense something you have never sensed before. You become aware of a reality or a truth that until now lay hidden beneath the surface of your consciousness.

It’s like a link on a web page that looks innocent enough at first but lights up when you pass your mouse over it. It’s then that you realize there is more there, the promise of more…if you just click your mouse.

When the Lord is passes His hand over certain things in your life…they light up. You become aware of something inside that you never realized was there. That’s part of your design, part of your destiny.

You need to be aware of those “links” in your life. What are those things that light up when the hand of God passes over? What is it that causes you to stir inside? God gives all of us the promise of more. There is more to you than meets the eye.

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