Surprise is sticky

I love this video with Bobby McFerrin. It's a great demonstration for marketers. Watch it and then we'll talk.

I love it. That moment when the whole audience understands that they are on the same page is priceless. That moment when they know they've "gotten it." But let this be a lesson to you. Your readers or web visitors will get it…they will connect the dots. They'll easily jump to the conclusion "the butler did it." But be warned–when they do, you'll lose them because you've become predictable and easily ignored.

If you want your message to be sticky, you are going to have to surprise them. When they just know you are going to zig, you've got to zag. Think about it…that's what makes jokes funny. When you hear a joke and your mind jumps to a conclusion (just like the audience in the McFerrin video) but the punch line comes and it's not what you thought it would be. It's different. It makes you laugh. You tell your friends.

Being the same is easy. Writing predictable copy for your website or brochure isn't a challenge. Just taking last years copy and changing the dates to 2010 isn't doing your very best. Start with a clean sheet of paper (or a blank monitor) and write something worth remembering. Write something surprising. Something sticky.

(thanks to the guys from American Copywriter for the heads up on the video)

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One comment

  • Michael,
    Thanks for the reminder. I am actually working on copy today. I just hit the delete button and am starting completely over in the morning. Its easy to get in ruts and think we have stay similar to last year so we are familiar to our audience. I am starting over in the morning with a clean sheet of paper and fresh thoughts. its time to zag. Thanks.


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