Some of the greatest…

Do you think one act of kindness is better than another? Do you get more "scoreboard" for helping starving kids than helping an old lady across the street? Are there degrees of goodness?

Who knows. Maybe it's one of those things we'll figure out when we get to heaven. But I do know that Jesus himself said that the offering from the widow was the best offering given that day at the temple even though it was only one small coin. So, evidently, there are degrees of goodness and sacrifice.

Well to me…these guys, and all the other men and women around the world who serve at a Christian camp or conference center are some of the greatest folks on the planet. 

I took this picture of Jon, Jim, Bruce and Kevin last week at the Northern Rockies sectional meeting of CCCA. About 25-30 camp leaders from all over Montana and Idaho met to talk about camp stuff for a few days at Beartooth Mountain Christian Ranch.

I'm overwhelmed by the self-sacrifice, the dedication, the committment and the devotion of these people. I don't know about other professions but I wouldn't be surprised if there are "accidental" accountants or lawyers or plumbers or contractors. These are folks who kind of backed into their profession because it seemed like a good idea at the time and even though they aren't being fulfilled, they stay in it because of the money or because they lack the fortitude to make the change.

Listen…there are no accidental camp leaders. These folks don't work for the money or for the status or for the benefit packets. The work is too hard and the money is too little to stay in it for long if you're not drop-dead convinced that it's where God has called you to be.

Folks who choose to ply the Vineyard at a Christian camp or conference center endure the loneliness and isolation that few other ministers have to deal with. I'm grateful to work in a job where I get to serve saints like these guys and all the other 8000 individual members of CCCA

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