Does your website make sense to mom?

Good marketing is all about connections. It's you connecting your passions and your stories and messages with a willing tribe–a tribe who wants to hear what you have to say–a tribe who wants to connect to you.

Where this most effects us in our publications. It's so easy to fall into the trap of talking about the stuff we want to talk about and using language that we are comfortable with.

Mom close upu
But what about mom? Are you speaking her language? As you know, mom's are making by far most of the "buying" decisions when it comes to camp. Whether kids come to your place with their families or with their church group, chances are there's a mom behind that decision. 

How well do you know her? Do you know what she cares about? Do you know what she's scared about? What are her concerns about camp? Once you know, really know these things, you can much more intelligently write copy whether it's for your brochure or your web site.

I see a lot of camp "we we" pages. That's what I call pages with way too may personal pronouns. Too many uses of "we" or "our" or "us" will only serve to alienate the reader. Remember the favorite subject of everyone visiting your site: ME! Every visitor comes to your site with one question in their minds, "What's in it for me?"

In that way, mom doesn't really care about your new gym or your 40 years of history or 200 acres of national forest land. You must tie those things into stuff mom cares about. Do you offer mom a PDF download of the cabin floorplan so she can see where her child will be staying? Do you offer mom a PDF download of the nutritional value of most meals you serve? Do you answer her questions on how you share your faith with kids? What about safety procedures or staff hiring practices. These are all things you would never take the space for in a brochure but it's a great way to use your web real estate. Granted, many visitors probably don't care what the EMT response time is to your camp or that your wranglers are all certified but there are those mom's who do care and will appreciate you giving them that information online.

If moms are your target (and they should be if they're not) then it makes sense to make sure you're hitting that target by bouncing your copy and your other marketing ideas off some moms to make sure you're making the connection.

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