Opportunity or obligation?

It's been impossible to escape the depressing news about the struggling economy. The president spoke about it last night. It's been on the news for weeks. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs have explored the depths of the depression from every side possible.

I've heard for years about how the wise man will look for opportunity during the difficult times. I've heard that when times turn tough, the smart people look for opportunities. And I guess that's true. But I think there's more to it than that.

I think that when times get tough, we as Christians, have an obligation to reach out and make a difference. If we consider ourselves called into minstry in some shape or fashion then this is not a time to muck around and complain about the difficult times we live in and blaming "the other side" for causing such a mess.

Rather, it's a time to focus. It's a time to return to the core of what you were called to do. It's a time to get your hands dirty with ministry. Get in there. It's what you were born to do. And now's the time to do it.

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One comment

  • Michael, Exactly true. I just got back from speaking at an event at one of your affiliate camps Drift Creek Camp here in Oregon. Our team http://www.bootcampnw.com got hit with our lowest attendance ever. While many would see this as a reason to give up, we saw it as a reason to press in harder to see how we could bring hope and change to a world falling apart. As a result our team is more excited than ever for our spring bootcamp. We are even trying to find ways to raise funds so we can possibly cut our tuition in half for attendees. As you said it is time to start doing what were called to do, not shrink back in fear.


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