Get the stick and poke it!

Stick_pictureWhile reading Chris Busch’s blog, I came across a great little e-book you’ve got to read. The book is called Use A Stick (for a free download…go here) and in it the author, Ernie Mosteller, talks about how when you were a kid a stick was the answer to a bunch of problems. A simple answer to be sure but often simple is much better than complicated.
This is a great read about advertising, marketing in our culture and the need for change. But it’s interesting whether you care about the biz or not. Another voice echoing the mantra…Change is not on the way…change is HERE!
I love a Charles Darwin quote in the book, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change".
Pioneering means changing a lot. The scenery changes, the weather changes, the trail changes…and ultimately YOU change.
It’s December 1. Where were you last December 1st? Have you changed? Are your problems the same ones you were facing last year? Are you struggling with the same issues?
Just like Mosteller suggests in the book, sometimes the stick is best used to whack the side of your head! Strike camp, move out. Set a course over the next hill. Get a different horizon to look at tomorrow. (to get the old pioneering juices flowing…feel free to check out "The River Story" in the left margin)

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