…and when I run, I feel His pleasure

Movies are a big deal at the Staires house. In fact most of the significant holidays and family traditions in our family involve a movie at some point. Tonight is no exception.

Jonah (my youngest son) has the state indoor track qualifying meet tomorrow at West Point. He'll be competing in a few events. So, with the big meet tomorrow, tradition demands that we watch Chariots of Fire tonight! 

You remember the film. It came from out of nowhere to win four Academy Awards in 1981 including Best Picture. Here is my favorite scene from the movie. I think you'll be able to guess why it's my favorite. (sorry for the quality of the clip but it was the only one I could find with the scene I wanted. Pay particular attention at 1:15!)


I love it. "God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure." 

What is it that you do that causes you to feel His pleasure?

That's the key to your destiny! That's what you were born to do. 

When you do that thing you were created for, you throw of a bit of the stuff you are made of; a kind of creative dust. That dust carries His Divine DNA.

We are created in His image. And when we do what we were born to do we reflect His greatness. We bring Him Glory. 

The race is getting ready to start. The starter's pistol is raised. The crowd rises as one…

Run. And feel His pleasure.



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