Your gift isn’t for you

When you were a kid were ever told the story about the difference between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea?

The Sea of Galilee is lush and teems with life. It's water is full of fish and many other creatures. It's shoreline is dotted with towns and villages who's people depend on the bounty of this body of water. In this dry and arid land, the Sea generously gives up her precious water to the Jordan River, which likewise provides life to all it touches on it's way south, until it reaches the Dead Sea-the Jordan River's dead end.

The Dead Sea gives up nothing. The fresh water comes in…but never leaves. No water flows out from the Dead Sea. For this reason the water becomes stagnant and turns to brine. No fish live in it's waters. No plants grow on it's shores. No towns or villages depend on the bounty because there is no bounty. The Dead Sea hoards all the life it receives; and loses it all.

God has given you a gift. That gift is what makes you unique. But He didn't give you that gift for you. He gave you that gift because He wants you to give it away. When you do that He can multiply that gift back to you; breathing His own life into it. 

Remember the lesson from your childhood. The only way to get more…is to give away what you have. Your gift was given to you because we need it. We need you to give it away. A gift not given eventually dies.

So, what is that gift that God has given you? What are you holding on to that you need to give away? It's time. Don't let that gift turn to brine. It's no good for anyone that way.

Reach down. Pick up the gift. And give it away. 

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