This I know

I went on a long walk this morning along the Sante Fe trail from Monument to Palmer Lake (not as far as it sounds). I was out on the trail for over an hour. Towards the end of my walk I found myself praying. I've had plenty to pray about the last few days.

I found the words, "Lord, you are in this" bubble up in my mind. Followed immediately by "Lord, I KNOW, you are in this." It occurred to me that although both statements are true, it's the second one that most matters. Certainly, God is in control. He is in charge. But KNOWING that fact is where the real freedom comes. It's where the peace comes.

I know He is in control. I know for a fact that I was "knit together" in my mother's womb. I know that I was created for "such a time as this." I know that I was placed in my family, with my parents and my siblings to mold me and make me into the person I am today. I know this.

I know His hand was guiding me as I chose a career and as I chose a wife and as we had children together. I know He put me in an environment like a Christian camp to continue to mold me but also because of the greenhouse effect of spiritual growth and nurturing. And I know even the difficult times of my life are also part of His plan to strengthen me and make me a better, more patient and understanding man. I know this.

It occurs to me today that in many ways, I'm right on schedule. My development is going according to His timetable and His plan. He knows my strengths. He knows what I can bring to any situation. He's the one who made me and the one who has continued to make me through the years. He knows what my "flavor" and "seasoning" is and He knows the next place for me to be used.

It also occurred to me today that I'm not looking for a job. I'm looking for a place to be used. I'm looking for a place that will drag the giftings and the talents (the ones God has put there) out of me. I'm looking for a opportunity to continue to grow and improve. I'm looking for the chance to serve and to give back. 

This I know.

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  • Mike, I really appreciate your writing these thoughts down and sharing them with us. It is SO encouraging… Having been through a really rough year myself with an uncertain future, it is comforting to know that God is in control in every situation and “for such a time as this”. Praise God for his hand of protection and the safety of his arms.

  • I am praying that 2010 will be a year of LIFE for my friends & family… this includes YOU & your family too.
    Great post. Thanks for sharing your heart. Keep me updated!
    Love you all MUCHO.

  • Thank you for these encouraging words, Mike. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I look forward to hearing how the Lord continues to lead you. I think it would be cool if we could work together someday . . . All as the Lord leads. And He does. This we know.

  • Last week I was listening to Ravi whilst doing some paperwork
    and he was preaching from Deuteronomy and he referenced 8:2.
    He said that the time the children of Israel spent in the
    wilderness was not only a time of testing them and showing
    them their hearts, but also a time of preparation and building.
    God used the time in the wilderness to ready them for the
    conquering of the promised land. That spoke to me, because I
    question the time I think I have wasted in my life and think
    that prevents me from living out my potential. God reminded me
    that there is no destination in this life, just the journey,
    the journey of growth in my faith and in the intimacy of my
    relationship with Him. I will never arrive here on this side,
    and this life is but a continuum of opportunities for me,
    to trust Him more and love Him more and serve Him more.
    Each experience is but a preparation for the next.
    Grace for your journey….


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