The weight of mass


I took this video on a recent trip to New York City. I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people I saw everywhere. People in the train station. People on the sidewalks, in the park, in the store, in the restaurant. And in a place like New York City, you see lots of people at all times of day and night. After all, it's the city that never sleeps. And to think, Jesus loves every single one of them. He died for every single one of them.

I was reminded that you may be able to talk to the masses but you can't minister to them. You minister one by one. And you can't minister by remote control either. You have to get your hands dirty. True ministry is done close in, hand-to-hand. You have to feel them…look them in the eye.

The next time you are immersed in a sea of people remember this; Jesus love them…and not "them" as a group. He loves them one by one, individually. He knows what hurts them. He knows what makes them laugh. He knows how to delight them. And remember…to Him you are not a THEM. You are a YOU. 

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