The man with his buttons

 Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a man who had buttons. He didn't just have one or two or even a pocket full. He had tons and tons of buttons. He had buttons in all of his pockets in all of his clothes. He had buttons on his hat and buttons on his shoes. He had so many buttons that even some of his buttons had buttons. But even though he had tons of buttons he was sad. You see this man had lots of buttons but no money. He was a poor man.

In the town where he lived he would go to the store and try to buy food but the market wouldn't take his buttons. He would try to rent a room but the landlord wouldn't take his buttons. He even tried to buy new clothes but the store wouldn't take his buttons. "Only money! NO BUTTONS!" they all told him. He had lots of buttons but he was sad and poor because he had no money.

Until one day he traveled to a new town. This was a wonderful town and the people were very nice and welcomed him with open arms. These people were fascinated by his buttons and thought his buttons were the most marvelous thing they had ever seen. Suddenly, he wasn't poor at all. He was rich! He had buttons for every need. He had buttons of every size and shape and color. People came from miles around to see and trade for his buttons. He was sought out by leaders because he knew more about buttons than anyone around. No one cared that he had no money. He had buttons and he was a very rich man.

The moral of this story? Sometimes it's not about what you have or don't have. It's about where you are. Don't stay in a place where your buttons have no value. No one is so poor that he has no value. Find the place where your buttons are desired and needed and valued–live there.

I've found a place where they value my buttons. 

Have you?

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  • Thank you Michael. I am actually right in the midst of looking at a new place/job where my hope is that they will like my buttons. These days it is even hard to find people who are looking for the buttons that you have. It has been exciting to watch your move to a button-loving location!

  • Struggling with this in regards to my church. Have been seeking God’s will about whether to stay or go, but stumped by husband who also has the same dilemma….and of course we need to do this together!

  • Mike, years ago, a very wise man counseled your Dad and I to go where the people were hungry and longing for more. The place where we were, there was no hunger, no interest, and religion was such a tradition, no one was interested in being changed and transformed. When we moved our position and began inviting the hungry, the children came and adults came and it all began to
    happen in our home. You would remember that!
    And the rest is history ~ actually His Story! Life has never been the same! Our product wasn’t buttons, but the Power of the Holy Spirit! Christians are still searching for the Power and the Glory that comes when the Spirit shows up! Love your story!


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