The currency in your pocket

Stack-o-moneyWe are all blessed with a pocket full of currency. Certainly some more than others but all of us possess enough currency to be considered rich…very rich.

The trouble comes, of course, when you end up in a place where they don't recognize, accept or exchange your currency. Your pocketful of currency isn't valued. Now, as long as you stay in that place, you are destined to a life of poverty and lack. 

But the problem isn't your currency…it's your location. You've just happened to have had the misfortune of ending up in the wrong place–a place where your currency is nothing more than worthless paper.

It's not that you don't have currency, it's that they don't recognize the currency you have in your pocket. And the currency they do recognize you find yourself in very short supply.

You don't need to exchange your currency. You need to find a place that accepts the currency you do have. You need to find a place where your currency makes you rich.

Of course it's not currency. It's the talents and skills you were born with. It's time to find the place where they recognize and value the richness that is you.

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