Skate where the puck is going to be

The Great One, Wayne Gretzky is credited with the quote, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." In the same way, a great quarterback throws the ball not to where the receiver is, but to where he's going to be. This is such a great lesson for business and ministry.

Obviously, if you want to succeed you can't just do what others are doing. Eventually, you need to stretch out there and be remarkable by doing those things that others aren't doing or doing normal things in a very unique way. Wayne's right. That really is the difference between good and great. "Good" does what is expected. "Great" goes beyond. Great delights and surprises.

One of my pet peeves is watching Christians in media and the arts only mimic the things they are seeing in the secular marketplace and roll it out with a "Christian" label. Ooh that's cool! I'll make a Christian one of those for Christians! Even the thought is crazy to me.

We serve the most creative Force in the universe! Are you telling me that all we can come up with is Christian versions of movies, television, concerts, amusement parks and novels. In my world there is no "secular" and "sacred." When God breathes his life into it…it's all sacred.

So, in 2012 let's be great. Let's skate to where the puck is going to be not where it's already been. Let's do the new thing, the creative thing. Let's surprise and delight instead of (yawn) only giving what's expected. 

A friend of mine, Stewart Redwine is doing this with video. Not everyone is doing stop action but Stewart is and it's remarkable. Why just produce the same old video when you can do something new and different! 

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