Judging a book by the cover

Stormhoek label
No matter how noble or how well-read or how intellectual we may feel…we all do it. We all judge just about everything by the outside "cover." Whether I'm shopping for a bottle of wine or a new salsa or an interesting book to read, chances are if I'm not looking for a specific brand or a specific author, I'm going to make the choice based on the label or the cover.

I'm a sucker for cool and interesting design. Sure, I've been fooled plenty of times but that doesn't change the fact that when I go into the store, I'm looking for the cool outside wrapper and making the assumption that there will be a corresponding cool inside. 

The truth is, this is scriptural. When the Lord sent the prophet to Jesse's house to anoint the next king of Israel, he assumed he'd anoint the oldest son not the youngest. Plus, I'll bet Eliab just looked like a king than David did. But God said, …for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

We've all heard this verse before and focused on the last part; using it as encouragement to look to the heart of things. But the first part of the verse is just as true. It's a fact: man looks at the outward appearance.

So, what happens when someone judges the "cover" of your camp or conference center? (because you KNOW they are already doing it…right?) Do they get a true and actual representation of what's actually on the inside? If not, it's time to move that up on your priority list.

Admit it…this is important and people are judging you based on what they see at your front gate or on your website or print material. What a great New Year's resolution. 2011 is the time to get your "covers" up to the level where they need to be. It's no longer okay to just say, "Oh, sorry about the website. We haven't updated it in quite awhile."

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