If you want more, you’re going to have to give more.

If you want more, you’re going to have to give more.

When I was a kid, I remember asking my dad if I could have an allowance. Most of my other friends were getting some amount of money from their parents every week and I figured it was time for me to get something as well.

My dad looked at me incredulously and asked me what I did around the house that I should be getting an allowance for. I confidently gave him the list of chores I was responsible for around the house; taking out the trash, keeping my room picked up, folding the laundry, dusting, etc. He nodded patiently as I recited my list. Then he played his ace. “Those are things you should be doing anyway as a part of this household. Why should I pay you for that?”

We had that conversation several times and it was the same every time. I could never figure out a way to crack his logic. The reason of course is because he was right. None of the things on my list was out of the ordinary. None of those things went above and beyond that which was expected of me.

Things are not so different now. When our output fails to be extraordinary we won’t get the recognition or the payment we believe we deserve. But the truth is, remarkable art will produce remarkable results. However, if we’re just doing the same old thing we’ll get the same old results.

Here’s my point, we need much more than your average. We need your very best. The times are uncertain. The future is coming quickly. Things are moving fast now. We’re counting on you to bring the art you were born to bring. Nothing less will do.

Why should we pay you to bring less than your absolute best?


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One comment

  • Good word Mike. I remember those conversations that your Dad and I would have, like………
    should we be giving our kids an allowance? How much? Asking ourselves if we ever got an
    allowance? No, that was not ever in our parents thoughts! So, I’m sure this has influenced
    you in your family……did you give Allowance to your kids? Hmmm I don’t think so!

    But always going above what ‘s expected – that’s a different story. I believe perks, surprises,
    and thank you offerings are always acceptable!


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