Your passions choose you

You do realize, don't you, that you were created for a divine purpose? A purpose that no one else can accomplish. A purpose that just won't fit with anyone else. You. 

God put His thumbprint on you and you have a measure of divine anointing in you to accomplish the mission God put you here to do.

That's why it seems like your passions choose you. There you are…sitting in the car listening to the radio, minding your own business when a song comes on the radio. Next thing you know you're moved to tears and you really can't explain why. It might even be some silly or stupid song but something about it touches you. 

Or you are watching a movie when a scene for some reason touches you so deeply you and you can't seem to explain to anyone else why. 

That's when you know you've touched destiny. Something in your heart…that bit of destiny…is responding to what you've heard or seen.

I still can't explain what it is about this scene that grabs me but it's more than the music or the acting or the cinematography. To me, it's destiny. 

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